Saturday, February 12, 2011

Scavenger Hunt: Traffic Light at Night

25. Traffic light after dark, red light facing you, green light facing left or right

The other night I spent some time out in Central Square while waiting to have my hair cut. It was a frigid night and it might not have been the best idea for me to be out there photographing with my gloves in my purse. But a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do. It took me about 20 minutes to get a shot that I was actually somewhat happy with. I was out there with just my little point and shoot camera, sans tripod, so it really was challenging to get a shot that came out sharp enough. However, in the end, this seems to have worked.

In regards to this scavenger hunt, I am finding that I am having trouble being creative. Many of the items are quite easy, but I do not want to take sub-par shots just in order to fill a requirement. Therefore, I think from here on out, I am going to be doing this just for myself and not to fulfill the requirements of a contest. I want to take quality photographs. I want to make art. So if I do not finish the scavenger hunt by the deadline, that's okay! Something beautiful will come out of it.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Scavenger Hunt: Tall Snow Pile

23. Snow pile taller than an adult with an adult in the photo for perspective

As I may have mentioned before, this has been an unusually snowy winter here in the Boston area. We have already received over 70 inches of snow... and it is only the beginning of February!!! Typically we receive just over 40 inches in a given year. Seeing that I live in the city, you can imagine that this means we have a LOT of really big snow piles. Really big!!! Therefore, I did not have to search all that hard to find a pile that was taller than an adult. Actually, for the past few weeks I have been really impressed with the growing snow piles at church. And today, you get to see just how tall they are.

Scavenger Hunt: Heart Shaped Candy

20. Piece of candy in the shape of a heart - any candy, including chocolate

I am stuck at home this morning waiting for the roofer to come and shovel off our roof because we have had a ton of snow this season and we heard weird noises coming from up there yesterday. He was supposed to be here an hour ago, but alas, he is not. So I am trying to use my time productively...folding and putting away laundry, taking photos for this scavenger hunt, and blogging. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday morning, right?

One of the items on the scavenger hunt is to take a photograph of a piece of heart shaped candy. I made a late night grocery run last night (might have been a bad idea!!!) and came home with cupcakes and heart shaped marshmallows. Now I am not too sure how literally the judges of this contest are going to be judging. This particular item said "a piece" of heart shaped candy. So I guess I am not going to be able to use those cupcakes that have multiple pieces of heart shaped candy on them. I am going to have to eat those. What a pity. However, I could photography just one marshmallow. So I did. Enjoy!!!

Oh, and for those of you who are thinking that marshmallows are not candy, here is a copy of my receipt from last night, just to prove you wrong. ;)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

February Photo Scavenger Hunt

1. Analog clock, not digital, showing the time as 8:08

As many of you know, I often take part in the monthly photo contests on This February, the have gone above and beyond for the contest and raised the stakes. Instead of submitting 1 single photo for the contest, this month, we are being sent on a photo scavenger hunt and have to submit 28 (yes 28) photos to be eligible to win the prize! That's one photo for each day in February. Wow. I am going to try it. I can't tell you if I will actually succeed in this task, some of the photos are going to be challenging. Example: photograph multiple birds at a bird feeder. Um, if I HAD a bird feeder, this might be possible. But I don't. Besides, there are not many birds out at the moment. I think I am going to have to get creative and borrow a bird feeder and take it down to the Boston Common or something to entice the pigeons. Wish me luck with that one! :P
Another challenging one is going to be finding a Beatles LP (no, not a CD) and photograph the cover. I guess some trips to used music stores are in my future. Oh, by the way, does anyone have a Boston Terrier that I can photograph?

Here is a link to the contest if you want to see some of the other things that I am going to be on the look out for this month. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Inspiration Straw

Recently one of my roomies bought a bunch of straws. I have not had straws in the house for years, and as I was in the kitchen earlier today, the colors and shapes caught my eye. I couldn't help it. I ran for the camera to capture my inspiration for the day. Enjoy!