Saturday, February 12, 2011

Scavenger Hunt: Traffic Light at Night

25. Traffic light after dark, red light facing you, green light facing left or right

The other night I spent some time out in Central Square while waiting to have my hair cut. It was a frigid night and it might not have been the best idea for me to be out there photographing with my gloves in my purse. But a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do. It took me about 20 minutes to get a shot that I was actually somewhat happy with. I was out there with just my little point and shoot camera, sans tripod, so it really was challenging to get a shot that came out sharp enough. However, in the end, this seems to have worked.

In regards to this scavenger hunt, I am finding that I am having trouble being creative. Many of the items are quite easy, but I do not want to take sub-par shots just in order to fill a requirement. Therefore, I think from here on out, I am going to be doing this just for myself and not to fulfill the requirements of a contest. I want to take quality photographs. I want to make art. So if I do not finish the scavenger hunt by the deadline, that's okay! Something beautiful will come out of it.

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