Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weekend Challenge: Blue

The other night I was talking with some friends, and the question came up about if we had 3 free hours to do anything that would make us happy, what would it be? My answer was that I would go to the beach. New England is known for it's beautiful beaches, but only the die hard New Englander's go to the beach in the middle of January. So yesterday when I realized that "Yippee! I have a whole day with no plans," I decided to go to the beach (Brrr) and took my friend Melody along for the ride. Yes, we are die hard beach fans.

This weekend's DPS photo challenge was the theme "Blue" and the beach was perfect for this with the blue water, sky and the blue shadows of winter. I got quite a few good photos, but this one is my favorite because we were having a good time with our ninja poses...and then mid-shot, I started to topple over. Click. Enjoy the photo.

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