Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 5: Centered Composition

The weekly assignment for this week is "Centered Composition" which in many instances is a photography zzzzz. DPS says that centered composition is often considered a "too static and taboo" of a technique, however in certain instances it can be "arresting and dominate the composition." I do not know if this shot arrests (because you can still see the motion of the pendulum!) or dominates, but it sure is pretty! On the vertical it is centered, as the face of the clock and the pendulum are centered, but the exact center of the photograph itself is negative space. Did I break the rules? Ordinarily I would say, "you be the judge of that," but dude, I like this shot and the way I centered it, so I am going to be the judge of it. I just want you to enjoy it!

Until the next assignment... :)

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