Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weekend Challenge: Good Morning!

Gooooood Morning!!!!!!!
Wow, based on the excitement with which I typed that, some would totally think that I was a morning person. Nope, I am a night owl all the way. My cat however, is definitely a morning kitty. Each morning when I wake up, there he is, watching the sun rise. Sometimes, if I am not even beginning to stir...he will start patting my face (and sometimes my eyes!) with his little paw to let me know that the sun is rising. This is not so bad during the winter on work days. The sun does indeed rise around the time I need to wake up. This is not so cool on the weekends when I would like to sleep in, or during the summer when it starts to rise before 5am!

So, for your viewing pleasure, here is Mo worshiping the rising sun....on a Sunday morning when I should be sleeping...not taking photos!

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